The Google Pixel 9 series has generated immense excitement in India, particularly with the introduction of the innovative Pixel 9 Pro Fold. Explore the details of the Flipkart teaser and the potential reasons behind a limited initial launch.
OpenAI's new advanced voice mode for ChatGPT is starting to roll out, offering improved capabilities and enhanced safety measures. Learn more about the features and updates in this blog post.
Google Maps is rolling out exciting updates in India, including flyover alerts, AI-powered narrow road avoidance, EV charging stations, metro ticket bookings, incident reporting, and curated lists.
Google Maps and Search have expanded their wildfire tracking features to 15 new countries across Europe and Africa, offering potentially life-saving information.
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman's announcement of a reduction in basic customs duty on mobile phones, and components has prompted Apple to lower its iPhone prices in India.
Embark on a journey through our solar system and discover the sun, eight planets, satellites, and other celestial objects. Learn about the rotation and revolution that shape our days, nights, and seasons, and find answers to frequently asked questions about the solar system.
Confused about which prepaid plan to choose from Airtel, Jio, and Vi? Read this article to find the best prepaid plans with varying validity periods and make an informed decision.
Airtel has recently announced an increase in the prices of its prepaid and postpaid plans, affecting millions of customers. Learn about the changes, new tariff rates, and how it will impact users.